Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Stories About People I Don't Even Know: Episode One

(Occasionally I get bored and make up stories about people at my work. This is one.)

Once upon a time there was a man who always felt different. In his youth, friends would make general fools of themselves in the pursuit of the opposite gender. He thought it was a bit silly to reduce himself to that level, but he played along anyway because that's what boys were expected to do- chase after girls. And he always felt that if his friends were happy, he would be happy. He was that kind of person.
When his friends reached their early thirties, they began to settle down and start their professional lives. The man felt like it wasn't for him, but he followed along anyway. He met a woman who was beautiful, physically and mentally. However, he still wasn't as happy as he could be. After 15 years of marriage, his wife was injured in a horrible car accident that left her in a coma- a very deep coma. The doctors said she most likely wouldn't recover. He felt like he should hold on for a little more, despite the doctor's opinions that he should let her go.
It was two years later and he was by the hospital bed, talking to his non-responsive wife when there was a knock at the door.
"Excuse me, I just have to check her vitals." the nurse said, entering the room.
"Ah. Ok. I better be going now anyway. Places to be, things to do." The man got out of the chair and proceeded to leave, but the nurse stopped him before he reached the door.
"I just thought I should let you know... The doctors are talking about pulling the plug soon. They have no hope for recovery. Just wanted to warn you." The nurse had an apologetic look that said more than words.
"Oh," the man held back tears as he took in this information,"okay. I'll talk with them about it I guess." He started to exit again when the nurse spoke abruptly.
"I don't know you, but you seem lonely. I'm sure this is hard on you. My name is Cole, and I would like to eat lunch with you."
The man looked up, and for the first time in a long time, he felt that his heart was where its supposed to be.
That lunch was the beginning of a friendship, which turned into a relationship. The evolution occurred the month that they pulled the plug on his wife.
3 years after the plug got pulled, the couple went to an amusement park, where the man would propose to Cole later that evening on the ship that toured the lake.

Ok... reality time. There were just these two guys (one younger, one older) walking around. I thought it would be interesting if they were a couple... hence the story.

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