Thursday, May 27, 2010

Dystopias and the Like

So I just finished Brave New World today... and have determined that I wouldn't mind living in that society. Okay, so everybody has been drugged into happiness and there are no relationships anymore... but is that necessarily a bad thing? Maybe its just my current mindset but taking a soma vacation whenever I need it doesn't seem like a bad thing at all. There is constant entertainment and family around if you need a friend. You're encouraged to have fun and you know your place and role in life. Plus there's prolonged youth, which is highly attractive.

But why is this a dystopia? I mean, what I've described so far is pretty nice, right? Okay... here's the thing. Any book or music or film or anything not happy is censored. Shakespeare? Who's he? They wiped out the works of several authors and also religion, which would be a problem for a lot of people. They've eliminated marriage and replaced it with casual sex with several different people. They keep the high level science out of the labs and on islands which are kind of like prisons. Thinking isn't a major thing at all...

And right, now, that sounds pretty nice. Soma, no thinking, friendship, entertainment... Yeah. I could go for that. I think after awhile I would get bored though. But maybe I wouldn't. Who knows. Anyway, now to Pillars of Creation... Book seven of terry goodkind's sword of truth series. I'm excited

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