Sunday, June 13, 2010

"There Will Come Soft Rains"

And then there will come hard rains and windy rains and stormy rains, which all result in angry customers (and also dead gardens, but thats another thing all together.)

How to handle these angry customers, you ask? Well, the thing is, I really don't. I send them to supervisors, but the anger of these people knows no bounds. They will use a number of excuses- "We got here right as it was raining" or "All the rides were shut down"- and then proceed to ask for a refund, which can't happen. After all, we have a no refunds/rainchecks policy. It doesn't change for the weather.

But the thing I guess I'm wanting to say here is that people are silly. Thats what I feel every blog post results in, the conclusion that people are silly, but they really are. I mean, they seem to make really bad decisions (examples, not check the weather, not read the clearly posted notices, not understand that water+lightning=bad) but then they blame us, because we have on employee shirts, and that obviously gives us power over the weather.

Maybe my powers are late in developing, because I certainly haven't experienced any weather changing abilities yet. I would love if I could remove the humidity and leave Indiana with a very Arizona-y climate. It would be awesome if I could do that, but I can't. Some people, while they understand this, still don't like to play by the rules, which are " no refunds and no rainchecks"

One guy had the audacity to claim that he got more respect in the army than he did in our office, which was totally false. Of course, his sobriety could be questioned, but that happens to. Especially in the rain, which is most unfortunate, since people will come to complain about not being able to ride rides (or their kids not being able to) when its raining, even if they've had all day. I'm going to assume that most of this logic is influenced by alcohol. I'm hoping so.

Anyway, this blog was written at two different times, and frankly, I'm bored of writing it. I have Pokemon to play and thats more exciting right now.

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