Thursday, June 10, 2010

Distracti.... hey! Look over there!

I get distracted a lot. Honestly. My brain has moments where it will move way too fast for me to process anything let alone have intelligent thoughts. Sometimes these moments result in clever, if not genius, banter. More often though it ends up with me staring blankly at a screen or ceiling, thinking that I should be doing something in that moment. It's been awhile (relatively) since I've posted a blog, and I think it's because my brain is slipping into a place of semi-permanent distractedness. This is useful at work, since I can write blogs and such while I'm bored, but on the whole, it's very annoying. Especially when I'm trying to post said written blogs. I always revise and think about what I want to add/remove from the originals before I post them because sometimes I write out of anger or extreme boredom, both which yield to mediocre writing and hostile statements flung towards certain people or groups of people. These are the last things I want (they are my least favorite things to do).
And then there's that, my random references to media and entertainment sources that often make little to no sense to most outside observers. Even my friends get confused sometimes. A distracted brain is a very obscure brain when one reaches a point of tiredness... and I'm reaching that now. Plus I'm getting bored writing this.... I swear, my brain needs to focus a lot more somedays. Hopefully something will be up tomorrow.

p.s.- here's that reference:

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