Friday, June 4, 2010


Okay, I have determined that I need to live in Britain- or at least some place where I can get BBC channels. Sure, we get BBC America here, but they don't show new shows right away and if I want to watch Doctor Who, I have to wait three weeks (assuming I don't use the internet, which I do.) I feel that this is an injustice. But then I pondered... Do the British get American tv shows right away? I mean, you think some might be interested in House or other things that are pretty much awesome. I didn't look into it... no, I was thinking of this at 2 am... there is no research at 2 am ever. but yeah.... i need to live in britain. They have history, Doctor Who, tea, Doctor Who, and Sir Patrick Stewart... did I mention Doctor Who?

Sorry for the messiness... I am not tired, but my brain is shutting down. I'll put more sensical stuff up sometime soon, when I have something to write about.

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